Google Confirms Hosting is Fast
Date: Monday, December 18 @ 17:00:00 EST
Topic: News about AthensGuy Web Hosting

Google's statistics confirm what we already knew from our own monitors: Web Hosting is not only reliable but it's fast too! Google collects documents on the web using their web crawler called Googlebot. As a registered webmaster, we can access statistics generated by their programs.

The report for end of 2006 proves we are consistantly serving pages under 1 second. Keep in mind that most pages are served from our portals so that time includes program execution and database calls. Not bad for a Mom & Pop Shop simultaneously serving over 100 websites!

Time spent downloading a page (in milliseconds) Google Shows Good Stats for Us

We have also maintained an unconditional uptime of over 99.99% for the 2006 year. In the past 3 years we have had under 10 hours of downtime: that includes all scheduled maintenance, two hardware server upgrades, and countless software upgrades. I challenge you to find anyone that can beat that.

Patrick MacDonald Support

This article comes from Website Design and Web Hosting

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