Website Promotes Selling a Book Online
Date: Monday, December 18 @ 15:00:00 EST
Topic: News about Web Design

Loving Trees is Not Enough builds on a simple message: being effective and successful requires skills beyond the technical. For foresters and other natural resource professionals, our love of and experience with trees and other natural resources do not guarantee an ability to manage, persuade, or educate effectively. Rather, it depends on our ability to communicate what we know to others. This handbook puts fundamental communications skills at the fingertips of anyone pursuing a career in natural resources. It provides practical answers to questions such as, “How can I improve my public speaking and interview skills? How do I give feedback to employees or run a meeting? How can I succinctly and effectively communicate my message?”

Brooks Mendell, author of the book Loving Trees is Not Enough, was already a customer of through his foretry website So we were pleased to be able to help him launch a website to promote his new book.

This website features book excerpts, automatic newsletter signup, contact pages and more. Brooks liked that the whole site was set up, like Forisk, within our content management system which makes it easy for him to keep it updated.

Visit Loving Trees is Not Enough through our Portfolio
Loving Trees is Not Enough Website

This article comes from Website Design and Web Hosting

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