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Freedom Fellowship Church Ministries CMS Website
Posted on Wednesday, May 24 @ 11:06:39 EDT by admin

News about Web Design Freedom Fellowship Church gave us a call when their current web designer and web hosting company was going out of business. They were worried about finding someone they could trust to be their new web partner, especially since they had a timeline that was critical for the transition.

After speaking with them about their needs and concerns, we gave them several different options and assured them we would be someone they could rely on in the future. Pastor Kurt Wallace was so relieved and excited to have someone take responsibility. He needed to focus on his church, and was glad he could turn the entire project over to With the new site, FFC has many new features and options available that they are learning to use, and they know they can contact Cynthia or Patrick if they have any questions or need assistance. That's what partnership is all about!

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Freedom Fellowship Church Ministries

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